The 7 Big Wins, And Dr. Ibe Kachikwu’s Versatility
One must really emphasize promptly how the Nigerian Oil and Gas Sector took a Midas resuscitation after what it suffered during the last quarter of 2014 down to 2016.
There has been amazing values nestled on the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector after the Emphatic introduction of The '7 BIG Wins' under the virtuoso leadership of Dr. Ibe Kachikwu.
The 7 Big Wins aimed at developing a stable and enabling oil and gas landscape with improved transparency, efficiency, stable investment climate, and a well-protected environment. The ongoing reform in the sector presents a new dawn for Africa. It shall provide huge investment opportunities in infrastructural development, oil and gas facilities, productions and maintenance across the oil and gas value chain.
In achieving this feat and nurturing continuity, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu has garnered some of the most innovative thinkers at the Ministry of Petroleum Resources; they’ve cascaded new ideas, technology and partnership amongst various stakeholders.
Amidst how a lot of Nigerians still try to politically judge this present administration, we must accord how some sectors too has exuded dynamism in Leadership. Dr. Ibe Kachikwu is one of those whose versatility has played host to excellence.
The 7 Big Wins has focused grossly on Policy Regulation, Business Investments and Policy Drives, Refineries and Local Productions capacity, Niger Delta and Security, Transparency and Efficiency, Stakeholder management and international coordination.
All these factors has snowballed the Nigerian Oil and Gas sector, and further driven appraisals for Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu’s versatility and the prospect ahead.
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